Educational Opportunities
Presentation follow up information:
These are links to the Food First NL presentation and resources from the February 20th meeting shared by Alison Bennett-James.
Presentation: to view a copy of the slides please CLICK HERE.
or copy and past this link into your web browser:
Newsletter sign up at the bottom of the home page of the website. While there you peruse the "PROJECTS" tab to learn more about all of the things going on at FFNL.
CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR THE NEWSLETTER - scroll to the bottom of the home page.
or copy and paste this link into your web browser:
Regional Animators Website to learn more + all contacts + regional meetings
or copy and paste this link into your web browser:
Sign up sheet to be on the regional animators' contact list
or copy and paste this link into your web browser:
Join NL Eats for an upcoming conference.
Click here for conference details and to register/buy tickets
Upcoming Public Lecture:
Reducing Food Insecurity: What Will it Take?
See details below.

FREE Nutrition Month 2023 Learning on Demand
Check out these Learning on Demand videos for tips on how to amplify your media messages. These six sessions will be available for no cost to DC members from February 1 to March 31, 2023.
An Evidence-Based Approach to Understanding and Combating Misinformation
What's Next? Communicating in a Virtual World
Integrating evidence into everyday practice: Skills and tools
Virtual Practice: Now and into the Future
Thanks to the Nutrition Month Learning on Demand sponsor, Activia®, a selection from the Learning on Demand library is available to DC members for free during February and March.